Welcome to Batis Petro



We specialize in providing high-quality products and services to businesses across a number of industries. We have an experienced team that has extensive knowledge and expertise in the following areas:

Petrochemical Products: Our products include industrial solvents, specialty chemicals, and oilfield chemicals, all sourced from reputable manufacturers at competitive prices.

Commercial Services: The broad range of services we offer includes procurement, logistics, financing, and risk management. These services are designed to assist businesses in managing their operations more efficiently and effectively.

Global Sourcing: Our extensive network of suppliers and manufacturers enables us to source the best products and services from around the world at competitive prices for our customers.

Customer Service: In our commercial group, we are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and support to all our customers. Providing timely and efficient delivery of products and services is a priority for our team of professionals.
Innovation: We are always seeking new and innovative approaches to help our customers achieve their goals.